Arne Ruth, initiative petition editor
(by signing petition on www.setjulianfree.org)

1. Ambjörnsson, Ronny, phil.dr., author
2. Antell, Love, musician
3. Bengs, Stina, singer
4. Berglindh, Ulla, university lecturer
5. Bjerén, Ulf, writer, activist
6. Björnsson, Anders, journalist and writer
7. Boëthius, Maria-Pia, author, journalist
8. Bolme, Tomas, actor, former President of the International Federation of Actors
9. Boström, Donald, journalist
10. Cernvin, Cecilia, author, University lecturer
11. Chomsky, Noam, professor of linguistics, USA
12. Daragahi, Haideh, professor emeritus Teheran University, Iran
13. de Cauter, Lieven, philosopher
14. de los Reyes, Paulina, prof. of economics
15. Drake, Lars, prof. of economics
16. Drake, Thomas, US surveillance & security expert. Whistleblower.
17. Ekerwald, Hedvig, social scientist
18. Ekman, Kajsa Ekis, author, journalist, Sara Lidman and Robespierre Prize
19. Galtung, Johan, founder of peace research and PRIO
20. Glaser, Etienne, actor and director
21. Göthe, Erik, constitutional lawyer
22. Gysi, Gregor, parliamentary leader for Die Linke, German Parliament,
23. Halliday, Denis J., United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (1994-98)
24. Hammar, K. G., arch bishop emeritus
25. Hammarlund, Jan, singer, musician
26. Hansson, Thors Hans, professor of theoretical physics and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science
27. Hellwig, Hilda, professor, director in theatre and opera
28. Hillestad, Erik, record producer and head of Kirkelig Kulturverksted
29. Hirdman, Sven, former ambassador and ass. director of Swedish Peace Research Institute
30. Hjort, Arne, engineer
31. Jalali, Assad, emeritus professor Swansea University, UK
32. Joly, Eva, lawyer, French presidential candidate, member European Parliament
33. Jurell, Torsten, artist
34. Kakabaveh, Amineh, independent socialist, member of the Swedish parliament
35. Käll, Kerstin, spec. psychiatry, University Hospital, Linköping
36. Käll, Per-Olov, prof. em. inorganic chemistry, Linköping University
37. Karlsson, Pia, author, phil.dr.
38. Kim, Yong-bock, professor Hanshin University, Seoul, South Korea
39. Liedman, Sven-Eric, author, professor Gotenburg University
40. Lindgren, Stefan, author
41. Lodgaard, Sverre, professor social sciences, former Director NUPI and PRIO
42. Løken Stavrum, Kjersti, head of the board of the Norwegian PEN
43. Lundgren, Christer, journalist
44. Melber, Henning, former dir. Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation,
45. Myrdal, Jan, author
46. Nilsson, Bodil, ret. Teacher Educator in Science Didactics
47. Norberg, Agneta, chair, Swedish Peace Council
48. Nyberg, Mikael, author, journalist
49. Nyberg, Robert, visual artist
50. Öberg, Jan, peace researcher, director Transnational Foundation
51. Oscarson, Stina, theatre director
52. Osten, Suzanne, theatre director
53. Österholm, Peo, author, journalist and musician
54. Palm, Lennart, prof. of history
55. Pilger, John, journalist, author and documentary filmmaker
56. Powers, Mike, ret. principal
57. Romelsjö, Anders, professor emeritus Stockholm University
58. Rosenqvist, Karin, editor of the magazine “Folket i Bild”
59. Rydberg, Ingvar, fil.lic semitic languages, Honorary Doctorate, Lund University
60. Shipton, John, Julian’s father
61. Söderhäll, Bengt, chair of the Stig Dagerman Society
62. Söderhäll, Kristina, teacher
63. Solomon, Norman, founder of RootsAction
64. Sommelius, Sören, editor, journalist
65. Stanghelle, Harald, former chief editor of Aftenposten
66. Sunvisson, Karin, grafic designer and artist
67. Tham, Carl, former head of Swedish ODA, Min. of Education, ambassador
68. Thorsell, Svante, lawyer
69. Tunander, Ola, professor emeritus, Peace Researcher, PRIO
70. Wallraff, Günter, author, Germany
71. Wechselmann, Maj, celebrated documentary film director
72. Wernlid, Eva, photographer, «Folket i Bild” member of Editorial Committee
73. Widerberg, Siv, author
74. Wiehe, Mikael, singer-song-writer
75. Wollter, Sven, actor
Initiative by
• Arne Ruth, initiative petition editor
• Sigyn Meder, initiative inspirator, teacher
• Kristina Hillgren, initiative inspirator, psychologist
• Sven Britton, initiative inspirator, prof. infectious diseases, former MP Swedish Parliament
• Hanne Jones Solfjeld, illustration, webdesign
• John Y. Jones, initiative secretary, jones@networkers.org, cell +47 93039520